Coriander, in the garden of existence, dances between cool and hot, blending compassion and fervor. Its fragrant balm soothes restless souls. This scent mirrors the cyclical journey from seed to leaf, to flower, back to seed. It is a testament to life's ever-changing rhythms.

Coriander propels us forward, urging us to seize the moment and cast aside the shackles of uncertainty. It whispers to us, encouraging us to embrace change and unlock the hidden mysteries it guards.

An ancient traveler through the annals of time, coriander has etched its presence into the hallowed pages of texts and the silent chambers of tombs. It has interwoven itself into the rich tapestry of global cuisine, bestowing its magic upon dishes that span continents.

In the legends of yore, coriander danced as an aphrodisiac, a secret elixir of love's intoxication. Across cultures and epochs, it donned cloaks of protection, encouraged love's embrace, and incurred the favor of fortune.  Its symbolism is deeply ingrained in the human story.

Coriander continues to weave tales of flavor, history, and enigma—a cherished jewel in the ever-evolving garden of life, where wonder and exploration are endless, and the mysteries of existence beckon us to discover their secrets.

Coriandrum sativum

This plant, native to Morocco, reaches heights of about 3 feet. It sports sparse, fine, feathery leaves and pinkish/white flowers. When in bloom, it forms clusters of flowers in disarray, ranging from white to light pink. Initially, its brownish, globose seeds possess an unpleasant odor. They transform into giving off a spicy aroma as they ripen. The bright green delicate leaves and lace-like white flower clusters eventually give way to numerous green (later turning brown) round seeds.

Cilantro and coriander, though stemming from the same plant, are distinct characters in the herb realm. Cilantro refers to the plant's leaves, which are used while the plant is still in its leafy stage. Coriander, on the other hand, is the term for the plant when it matures and begins producing seeds. When "coriander" is mentioned in food, it typically refers to the seeds. These seeds are prized for their ability to infuse dishes with an earthy, spicy flavor that sets them apart.

This plant can be found across Western Asia and Southern Europe and can be challenging to distinguish from its wild counterparts. Some experts believe that wild coriander in regions like Israel and Portugal more closely resemble the ancient ancestor of the cultivated variety we see in the grocery store.

Coriander, a fast-growing herb, thrives in moderate temperatures like those found in spring and fall. It's valued for its versatility, as you can use the entire plant, but the leaves and seeds are the primary parts consumed.

Fun Facts

Dual Identity: Coriander is a herb with a dual personality. Its leaves are known as cilantro in many parts of the world, while its seeds are referred to as coriander. Cilantro has a fresh, citrusy flavor, while coriander seeds have a warm, earthy taste.

Ancient History: Coriander is one of the oldest known flavorings and has a history that dates back thousands of years. It's mentioned in Sanskrit texts, and the Bible, and was even found in the tomb of Tutankhamun, the ancient Egyptian pharaoh. In Egypt, it was called the “spice of happiness’. 

Global Usage: Coriander is used in cuisines all around the world. It's a staple in Mexican, Indian, Thai, and Middle Eastern dishes, adding unique flavors to each cuisine.

Medicinal Uses: Coriander has been used traditionally for its medicinal properties. It was believed to have digestive benefits and was used to treat various ailments in ancient cultures.

Aromatic Seeds: Coriander seeds are often used in brewing certain styles of beer, contributing to their distinctive aroma and flavor.

Aphrodisiac Associations: In the past, coriander was considered an aphrodisiac and was used in love potions and perfumes.

Symbolism: Coriander has had symbolic significance in various cultures. It has been associated with protection, and love, and even used as a token of good luck.

Unique Taste Perception: Coriander is known for its polarizing taste. Some people love it, while others find it soapy or unpleasant. This difference in perception is believed to be due to genetic factors.



To successfully plant cilantro, do this:

Timing is crucial: Plant cilantro in the spring after the last frost or in the fall, especially in regions with milder climates. Avoid the hot summer months to prevent the plant from bolting and the leaves from turning bitter.

Choose a sunny location: Select a sunny spot in your garden where cilantro can spread naturally. It's suitable for herb gardens or as a corner addition to your vegetable garden. When the weather warms, cilantro will grow tall, and produce flowers, and seeds. New plants will emerge during the season and the following spring.

Plant the seeds: Sow cilantro seeds in light, well-draining soil, spacing them about 1 to 2 inches apart. To ensure a continuous harvest, plant new seeds every three weeks.

Spacing matters: Leave approximately 12 inches between rows to allow cilantro plants room to thrive.

Keep the soil moist: During germination, maintain consistent soil moisture by regularly watering to help seeds sprout.

Ongoing care: As seedlings grow, continue to water them regularly, providing around 1 inch of water per week.

Thin the seedlings: Once established, thin the seedlings to about 6 inches apart to promote healthy leaf growth.

Adjust watering: Mature cilantro plants require less water each week, but ensure the soil remains moist without overwatering.

Mulch and weed control: Prevent weed growth by adding mulch around cilantro plants as they emerge from the soil. You can also lightly till the soil to protect the roots from weed damage.

Harvest with care: Harvest cilantro when it's young and close to the ground. Once it begins growing tall and develops a stalk, cut off the plant after the seeds drop, allowing it to self-seed for the next season.

Leaf harvest: For larger leaves, cut them individually from the plants. For smaller leaves, trim them about 1-1/2 to 2 inches above the base.

Whole plant removal: Alternatively, you can harvest the entire plant at once for a substantial yield, bearing in mind that further harvesting won't be possible from that plant during the rest of the growing season.

Coriander Essential Oil

Properties of Coriander Essential Oil:

Abortifacient, analgesic, aperitif, aphrodisiac, anti-oxidant, anti-rheumatic, antispasmodic, bactericidal, depurative, digestive, carminative, deodorant, digestive, cytotoxic, fungicidal,  larvicidal, lipolytic, nervine,  revitalizing, stimulant and stomachic

Coriander Card

Skin and Hair

This versatile essential oil offers a multitude of benefits for both skin and hair. Its natural antibacterial and antifungal properties make it a valuable addition to skincare routines, helping to prevent breakouts and support wound healing. When applied topically or used in ointments and salves, it can combat harmful bacteria and fungi, contributing to healthier skin and faster recovery from skin issues.

Muscular System:

Coriander has the potential to alleviate muscular aches and provide relief from discomfort associated with inflammation. Individuals suffering from conditions like arthritis, gout, rheumatism, and stiffness may find comfort in its soothing effects, offering respite from persistent pain.

Respiratory System

This essential oil plays a role in promoting easy respiration. Its inhalation can provide relief from congestion and discomfort, aiding in improved breathing and a sense of well-being.

Circulatory System

Coriander contributes to improved circulation, helping to flush excess fluids from the body. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals dealing with issues related to fluid retention.

Digestive System

This oil is a digestive aid, potentially alleviating common issues such as colic, diarrhea, dyspepsia, flatulence, nausea, and piles. Its calming effect on the digestive system can offer relief from discomfort and support overall digestive health.

Immune System

When it comes to bolstering the immune system, this essential oil can help speed up recovery from colds, flu, infections, and illnesses like measles. Its immune-boosting properties assist the body in its natural defense mechanisms.

Nervous System

In the realm of the nervous system, this oil is known for its potential to address various issues, including debility, migraines, neuralgia, and nervous exhaustion. Its calming and soothing qualities can offer relief from the symptoms of these conditions, promoting a sense of well-being.


On the mental and emotional front, this oil has remarkable effects. It has the ability to reduce stress and anxiety, fostering a sense of relaxation and emotional balance. It encourages creativity and motivation, improving mental clarity and focus. This oil can serve as a potent tool in the pursuit of overall mental and emotional well-being.

Energetic Properties

On a spiritual level, Coriander essential oil is a valuable asset. It can enhance intuition, aid in shadow work, and improve memory. As a protective oil, it has the power to banish negativity, bringing peace and serenity. It can assist individuals in clearing out what they no longer need, facilitating personal growth and spiritual development.


Coriander can be irritating to some and should never be used by pregnant or nursing women or children. Only use externally. Never use this essential oil internally.

Coriander essential oil is truly a remarkable gift from nature. Its versatile properties, spanning from skincare and muscular relief to emotional well-being and spiritual growth, make it a valuable addition to our holistic health and well-being toolkit.

As we've explored the diverse facets of coriander essential oil, we've uncovered its ability to soothe, heal, and rejuvenate, both physically and emotionally. Its rich history, spanning cultures and centuries, speaks to its enduring relevance in our lives.

Incorporating coriander essential oil into your daily routine can enhance your overall health, promote relaxation, and offer a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. However, it's crucial to use it with care and consideration, as its potency demands respect.

Whether you're looking to ease muscular discomfort, achieve emotional balance, or embark on a journey of self-discovery, coriander essential oil stands ready to lend its unique, aromatic hand. So, let this fragrant essence guide you on your path to well-being, where ancient wisdom and modern science converge to nurture body, mind, and spirit.

Shameless Product Promo

Coriander is an important part of our best selling Maman Brigitte blend!