Flow with your emotions. Find joy in creatively expressing yourself. Feel the warmth emanating from Svadhisthana. Our emotions and passion lie in the sacral chakra. Housed in the pelvis it should be no surprise that intimacy and sexuality lie here as well. Svadhisthana is all about passion, mental and physical. Last month we got grounded with the Root chakra, or Muladhara. We found security and safety in our physical existence. This month, with Svadhisthana, or the Sacral chakra, we expand from surviving to thriving.
Nothing great in this world has ever been accomplished without passion - Georg Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel
Becoming You
Svadhisthana translates into “one’s own abode”, or one’s own place. Svadhisthana, or the Sacral chakra is where we begin to flow with our emotions and self expression, experiencing our individuality. The sacral chakra is all about expressing your essential self, finding and celebrating who you are at your unique core. Here lies passion, joy, creativity, and sexuality. The Sacral chakra, however, also houses the other side of the coin, our pain. One cannot live only in pleasure or only in pain. There must be a balance between the two and a balanced Sacral chakra is your first step in processing all that life throws at us.
Svadhisthana is ruled by the color orange. Orange is a color of action, warmth, self confidence, and joy. The water element governs the sacral chakra. Located about two inches below your navel, the Sacral chakra lies in the pelvis. Body systems affected by the sacral chakra consist of fluid systems, such as lymphatic, circulatory, and urinary. The sex organs, ovaries and testicles, are also goverened by Svadhisthana. This is the powerhouse of our sexuality.
Signs of Balance
When Svadhisthana is in balance our emotions, like water, flow freely. This is where we begin to introduce higher functions in our being, such as empathy. We find joy and pleasure in life. We are often perceived as warm and easygoing individuals. We flow with what comes and are flexible enough to roll with the unexpected. We are able to be nurturing individuals because we, in turn,are being nurtured by the world and the people in it.
Svadhisthana is where we house our intimacy. This of course is sexual, and when we are in balance, we experience freedom in our sexuality. The Sacral chakra also expands intimacy outside of mere physical pleasure. It also encompasses the intimacy we experience on a mental and emotional level. With a free flowing energy in the Sacral chakra we also experience intimacy with ourselves. Now before your brain runs into the territory of hidden magazines under the bed, or sticky socks, that’s not all there is to intimacy with yourself. Someone that intimately knows themselves sets healthy boundaries in their relationships. A healthy work life balance is one indicator of a healthy sacral chakra. Finding joy and balance in life is a priority when your sacral chakra is firing right.
Often the joy and passion we experience with an open sacral chakra manifests as creative expression. Musicians, artists, and actors are not the only people that do this. There is creative expression in everything, from the way you speak to the way you dress. The atmosphere you set in your home is another daily way to creatively express yourself.
To be clear, honoring your emotions is not about a pain free existence. Life is all about balance. When your Sacral chakra is harmonious we are able to express ourselves and all of our emotions freely. We experience sexuality freely. We find joy and warmth in life. We experience pain freely. Yes, pain is a common side effect of life and we all go through it. A balanced Svadhisthana means you can experience and freely process that pain, loneliness, and anger you experience to, ultimately, move past it.
A warm, empathetic, emotionally healthy existence sounds all well and good. I don’t always feel that way and I know you don’t either. What can contribute to Svadhisthana becoming out of whack and what can we do to fix it?
What Can Cause an Imbalance?
Many things cause an imbalance in Svadhisthana. Being the power center of emotions and sexuality, I’m sure it will cause no shock to hear emotional or sexual trauma and abuse are big contributors. This seems like a no brainer, but let's look at specific examples of emotional or sexual trauma. The extremety of abuse where someone should go to jail is not the only thing that falls under this emotional or sexual trauma. Sexual dysfunction no matter what the cause qualifies as trauma. Body shaming is another example most people experience that qualifies as sexual trauma. Honestly, in this day and age of photoshop, plastic realities, most people experience some form of body shaming everytime they get online. Even illness in the lymphatic, urinary, or circulatory systems qualifies as trauma that can affect the sacral chakra. .
Emotional trauma stems from a wider variety of causes than we like to accept today. Naturally there is the toxic relationship topic, that most people can say they've experienced, that qualifies as emotional trauma. Traumas experienced in childhood are especially harmful. Being ignored as a child and taught that your feelings and emotions are either a) not valid, or b) not important, is emotional trauma. Rigid upbringing and strict/ forced doctrines are also traumatic in childhood. Basically anything that teaches you that your emotions and individuality are invalid, uncool, unimportant, or unacceptable causes havoc in your Svadhisthana.
Any or all of these traumas can cause an imbalance in Svadhisthana. This can manifest in different ways in our bodys, minds, and spirits.
Signs of Svadhisthana Imbalance
Svadhisthana is located in the pelvis, or in front of the sacrum. Pain and stiffness in the lower back and hips, can be a sign of an unbalanced sacral chakra. Sciatica is one of the most common types of lower back pain. Urinary problems such as chronic UTI’s and kidney infections can be another manifestation of a Sacral chakra imbalance. Sexual dysfunction, and reproductive issues can be another physical symptom of a sacral imbalance. Sometimes sexual dysfunction is just as much a mental and emotional issue as it is a physical one.
Emotional trauma and mental health disorders are very serious issues, usually caused by a variety of things. These are powerful issues and require powerful healing, and should be addressed by a qualified health care professional. Essential oils are one tool that can be used in a pantheon of tools for a self care routine. Being unable to effectively express your emotions creates instability, depression, fear, withdrawal, and even outbursts. Many times people that suppress their emotions lack healthy boundaries in relationships.
Many times an unbalanced sacral chakra will create a lack of self confidence. Many people feel flat, or stuck in a rut and unable to get their creative juices flowing. This can even come out as antisocial behavior. Often people with a blocked sacral chakra experience emotional numbness. This can lead to adrenaline junkie type behavior. You push yourself to extremes in order to just feel something.
Svadhisthana rules our passions, emotionally, creatively, and sexualy. Often a problem in the sacral chakra manifests as an inability to allow pleasure. This can be of a sexual nature, but can also expand into other areas of our lives. A fear of, or inability to be intimate with other people is another sign something is going on in the sacral chakra. Overall people can also feel a lack of purpose. Without passion it is near impossible to find the drive to search for your purpose. Without an intimate knowledge of yourself how would you even know where to start?
All of these symptoms are terrible. One small tool to use in your emotional and mental health routine is to use the chakra system to help bring awareness to these areas of your life, focus on them, and start the healing journey. The good news is there are some fun and creative ways to help activate this little energy center. What are some things we can do to bring awareness to the sacral chakra?
How to Balance the Sacral Chakra
One important thing to do when balancing Svadhisthana is to start from a balanced root chakra. Building on a solid foundation is key. If you do not feel safe, or have your survival needs being met, there is no room for emotions, passion, and creativity. One you feel safe and secure there is space to explore life beyond survival.
Svadhisthana is very much a physical chakra and therefore responds strongly to physical healing methods. For our first hints on how to boost Svadhisthana let’s take a look at things that govern it. Svadhisthana is ruled by the water element. It’s super easy, but one way to get the energy moving in the sacral chakra is to make sure you are properly hydrated. Drinking plenty of water not only boosts your physical energy, it stimulates the body systems rules by Svadhisthana. There are medical studies that link poor mental health and dehydration. Specifically there is a known link between being dehydrated and experiencing anxiety, fatigue, and depression. The U/S Academy of Medicine recommends drinking 15.5 cups of water daily for men and 11.5 cups for women. Of course this amount is averaged, and depends on other lifestyle choices you make. If you sweat a lot, or consume alcohol that recommendation would go up.
Svadhisthana is also ruled by the color orange. Just as red foods are good for Muladhara, orange foods can be used to boost the sacral chakra. Sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, butternut squash not only help boost Svadhisthana, they also pack a nutritious punch. For the sweeter side of life, cantaloupes, mangos, apricots, and (of course) oranges are also very helpful and nutritious.
Water and orange foods aren't the only food that can balance the sacral chakra. Healthy fats also help Svadhisthana flow. The fats provided by nuts and seeds vibe with the sacral chakra particularly well. Fermented foods will also boost the sacral chakra. Kombucha is a passenger on the trend train right now and is widely available. Kefir, tempeh, and miso are all easy ways to add fermented foods into your diet. For those that favor something a little spicy you can go with a Kimchi. Sauerkraut is also a wonderfully fermented food.
Food isn’t the only way to physically balance Svadhisthana. Physical activity is vital to getting the energy moving in a healthy way. In my opinion yoga and dancing are tops at helping the sacral chakra.
When practicing yoga with the intention of boosting Svadhisthana, focus on moves that stimulate or stretch the hips and sacrum. One of the sun salutation staples that helps the sacral chakra is Adho Mukha Svanasana, or more commonly known as Downward Dog pose.This is a wonderful way to stretch your lower back and sacrum. Balasana, or Child’s Pose is another great way to stretch through the lower spine. Another Svadhisthana activating pose is Baddha Konasana, or Butterfly Pose. This pose will stretch your inner thighs, and bring energy to the sacral chakra. This is one of my favorite poses to use passively in a yin practice, especially after working while sitting in a chair all day. Anjaneyasana, or Crescent Lunge is a vibrant pose that brings energy to the hips and will certainly boost Svadhisthana.
I love yoga, and when I have time try to practice it daily. Dance, however, has to be the king of boosting the sacral chakra. It gets your sweat pouring, and your circulatory and lymphatic systems flowing. It will also encourage you to drink some of that all important water. Most importantly, however, IT’S CREATIVE. As long as you don’t hurt yourself there is no wrong way to dance. Dance is freeing, flowing, empowering, physical, euphoric and creative. Dancing is everything that Svadhisthana embodies. There is something primal about moving to the sounds around you. If you exercise regularly, sub out one of your workout days for a dance workout. If you don’t regularly exercise bop along wherever you can. Getting ready in the morning, walking to the car, trudging through the aisles of the grocery store all provide ample opportunity to flow to your own groove. Can you imagine how 1) freeing it would be to dance through the grocery store and 2) how much more fun that chore would be? Focusing on the body through nutrition and movement are vital to having a healthy and happy Svadhisthana. There are also mental exercises that can help as well.
How to use your Mind to balance Svadhisthana
Meditation and Mantras
Just as with Muladhara, meditation is the number one way to boost the sacral chakra mentally. Just sit quietly and visualize an orange glow emanating from below your navel. Using a mantra while meditating is very effective. Mantras that fit with Svadhisthana are things like:
I love
I give my feelings room for expression.
I am capable, strong, and creative.
It feels good to make myself happy
It feels good to ask for what I need and have my needs met
I’m worthy of joy
Meditation, of course, is the premier exercise for the mind. There have been numerous studies that have shown the benefits of a regular meditation practice. Those that regularly meditate show a significant improvement in stress management, cognitive function, emotional and self awareness. Science is finally catching up and proving the validity of mind over matter and the benefits of meditation.
To meditate for your root chakra sit in a comfortable position. Pay attention to your breath and focus your attention to your tailbone. Visualize the color red glowing from the base of your spine. Concentrate on the support you are getting from the Earth beneath you. Imagine yourself rooted and grounded to the Earth. Bonus points for wearing red while you do this.
Orange stones such as Tiger’s eye, Spessartine garnet, Mahogany obsidian, Unakite, Carnelian, Orange Calcite, Red Jasper, Citrine and Sunstone are a wonderful tool to use while meditating. It also helps to carry them with you or wear jewelry made of them. If nothing else, when you are working on Svadhisthana everytime you see the stone, or feel the weight of it on you tell yourself you deserve happiness, or that you are creative.
The number one BEST way to mentally boost your sacral chakra is to get creative. Make it a priority to find some time, no matter how small, everyday to be creative. Get creative in your cooking, or food choices. Pair clothes you normally wouldn't wear together for the day. Sketch through that boring meeting. Dance through the grocery store. Sing in the car. Find time every single day to do SOMETHING, anything creative. Creativity is truly limitless. This will bring you joy, get you flexible, and allow you to flow, in the moment, with your emotions. If you’re happy, practice creativity joyfully. If you are sad, find creative outlets to let out your pain. Creativity keeps our minds flexible and boosts confidence.
To meditate for your root chakra sit in a comfortable position. Pay attention to your breath and focus your attention to your tailbone. Visualize the color red glowing from the base of your spine. Concentrate on the support you are getting from the Earth beneath you. Imagine yourself rooted and grounded to the Earth. Bonus points for wearing red while you do this.
Re-enchant your life by making the mundane exciting. You are not “going to CVS,” you are visiting the apothecary to buy potions. You are not “feeding the birds,: you are making an alliance with the crow queen. -SketchesbyBoze Twitter
Essential Oils
I would be negligent if I didn’t mention which essential oils are good for boosting Svadhisthana. Lavender, ylang ylang, rose, sweet orange, tangerine, patchouli, helichrysum, sandalwood, neroli, and vetiver are all indicated as being a tonic for Svadhisthana. Our new Sacral Chakra blend is a combination of bergamot, grapefruit, lavender, clary sage, ylang ylang, and benzoin. This calming essential oil blend is designed to incite joy, creativity, harmony, warmth, and fight negativity. Each oil was mindfully chosen and blended with intent to harmonize the sacral chakra.
Mind- Svadhisthana is a calming blend designed to alleviate stress, fear, and anxiety.
Body– This is a wonderful anti-inflammatory blend that tones the skin and fights water retention.
I would be negligent if I didn’t mention which essential oils are good for boosting Svadhisthana. Lavender, ylang ylang, rose, sweet orange, tangerine, patchouli, helichrysum, sandalwood, neroli, and vetiver are all indicated as being a tonic for Svadhisthana. Our new Sacral Chakra blend is a combination of bergamot, grapefruit, lavender, clary sage, ylang ylang, and benzoin. This calming essential oil blend is designed to incite joy, creativity, harmony, warmth, and fight negativity. Each oil was mindfully chosen and blended with intent to harmonize the sacral chakra.
Mind- Svadhisthana is a calming blend designed to alleviate stress, fear, and anxiety.
Body– This is a wonderful anti-inflammatory blend that tones the skin and fights water retention.
Spirit– This stimulating and uplifting blend boosts self confidence, joy, and creativity. It also packs in some powerful aphrodisiacs to get all kinds of juices flowing.
– This stimulating and uplifting blend boosts self confidence, joy, and creativity. It also packs in some powerful aphrodisiacs to get all kinds of juices flowing.
Svadhisthana Products
Bergamot Grapefruit Lavender Clary Sage Ylang Ylang Benzoin
Bergamot- Bergamot is essential at clearing out negative emotions. It is useful to manifest the strength needed for difficult situations. Bergamot is a warm, happy, and protective oil.
Grapefruit- Grapefruit is one of the happiest oils in the world. It’s bright citrusy scent balances emotions and boost self confidence. This oil is associated with joy and kindness.
Lavender- Lavender is a truly magical oil that will help balance any chakra. Lavender can foster inspiration, clear negativity, and balance in relationships.
Clary Sage- Clary Sage is a master at sparking creative inspiration. It is a wonderful oil to help you look deeper into yourself. Clary Sage is there for you when you seek clarity, beauty, and creativity.
Ylang Ylang- Ylang ylang is a balancing oil that is instrumental in emotional healing. It is also a powerful aphrodisiac..
Benzoin- Benzoin is a lovely oil to clear negativity. It is a powerful ally to use when seeking emotional healing.
Our Svadhisthana roll-on is a 10% dilution in an apricot and jojoba carrier blend. This blend is ideal for use in meditation. Apply it before embarking on a creative endeavor for added inspiration. The Svadhisthana blend is a calming blend designed to relieve stress and tension, boost self confidence, and get the creative juices flowing. Use it to boost positivity, creativity, and confidence. It also just smells damn good!
Svadhisthana Chakra vegan soap is good for all skin types, especially dry skin.The chakra soaps come in our highly nutritive vegan base. They will cleanse your skin, but are not drying. Only the finest oils go into our soap base, and like always, we never use chemicals or synthetic ingredients. The Svadhisthana chakra soap also contains Turmeric. Not only does the turmeric give the soap it's color, its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties make it ideal to minimize wrinkles, dermatitis, and helps expedite wound healing.
You can’t use up creativity. The more you use the more you have.- Maya Angalou
The sacral chakra is a warm, happy place. It houses all of our passions, mental, emotional, and physical. It houses our creativity, and our emotions. The more freely we let all of this circulate by supporting our Svadhisthana physically and mentally, the closer we get to mental and emotional health. Muladhara gives us energy for survival, and connection to our roots. Svadhisthana gives us the passion to live a vital and fulfilled life. Freely flow and express your passions to have a more energetic, fulfilled existence.
Stay tuned with us next week as we journey to the solar plexus chakra. We will move from feeling and expressing our emotions to acting on them and creating change. You don’t wanna miss this one. Spoiler alert; it’s going to be good!