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Voodoo Essences are our beloved loa essential oil blends in their most pure, concentrated form. Choose how you benefit from these powerful potions. Made with only 100% pure therapeutic grade essential oils, Voodoo Essences will help you mind, body, and spirit. We have a wide range of blends, and no matter what you're seeking you will find one of our loas helpful. Be uplifted with Marie Laveau, Vodou Queen of New Orleans. Nurture your spirit with Yemaya. Protect yourself with Simbi Anpaka. Pamper yourself with Erzulie Freda. Find some much needed clarity and opportunity with Papa Legba. Seek comfort with Maman Brigitte, or be invigorated with her husband Baron Samedi.
You can use Voodoo Essences:
1) In a diffuser.
2) Diluted in a carrier oil to use as a massage or body oil.
3) Added to some Epsom salts, honey, or other carrier to enjoy in a bath.
4) As an inhalant directly from the bottle.
Essential oils are powerful and need to be respected. Make sure to follow all guidelines and contraindications when using. Never use Voodoo Essences internally. Always keep them out of reach of children. Store them sealed in their bottle and out of direct sunlight. You don't want your essences evaporating on you!
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