The fun thing about having your own company is that if you wanna do something, you’re the boss. Figure it out and make it happen. I’m lucky enough to have a small enough company that can be responsive to people’s ideas and requests. There is however, a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes to make every product happen. Not only is there a lot of research into the ingredients and overall product design. For every new product there is packaging and labeling to figure out. New web pages to make for the items, and updates to the endless spreadsheets that make the company function. That all being said, there are unreleased products in various stages of production happening now. Some were even ideas original to the company. Here is a sneak peek at the ones I’m hoping to release this year.
So this one is a happy accident. I caught myself in an insanity loop. I have a natural deodorant that I don’t like because it doesn’t work. I told myself as soon as I finished it I would buy something new. Trouble was I never used it because it didn’t work and with the Pandemic I haven’t gone to many places. I never use it so I’ll never run out. I finally took myself out of the loop by making my own. Funny enough, it turned out really good. Like good enough for the company.
Currently, this product is in an expanded stage of testing. This means it has passed approval of everyone in my household and is currently being passed on to some trusted advisors. I’m honestly not sure what I would like to do about scent. The loa blends I currently have would be lovely in a deodorant. I could also make a few totally new blends. What do you think?
Shampoo Bars
I’ve spent twenty years in hair. Shampoo bars make complete sense for me to make, and it is one of the very first requests I had from people. I think this is a necessary product and something I’ve made a few iterations of already. I have 5 different bars for different types of hair. I have been testing these periodically for a while. I got a little stuck when I figured out I like using the Damballah Lather as shampoo. He works great! I think I can do better though. What I need are more testers. Hair is so specific to each person one bar that works great for my hair is not the best for another person. So. . if you are willing to be a product tester let me know. I have a bar for regular hair, a bar for thin hair, curly hair, oily hair, and one for dry hair.
Chakra series
This is a big project. I had a request to make a bar of chakra soap. Meaning, a seven layered bar of soap, colored for each chakra. To me, this was a little counter intuitive, because if you wanted something to boost a chakra, wouldn’t you want something targeted for a specific chakra? Plus, I won’t use synthetic dyes, so the coloring would not be as vivid as some would like. So, MY idea was to make seven different bars, each one targeted to a specific chakra.
This project is just in the brainstorming phase. I haven’t made any formulations yet, but I’m super excited about doing them. Formulation and product design is by far my favorite part of doing this business. The sticky part is this is a HUGE undertaking. Once again, it’s not just seven formulas, which is a lot in its own right. It’s seven sets of packaging, at least eight webpages, product announcements, and all sorts of paperwork.
One of the lessons I’ve learned as a small business owner is to take on very large projects in bite sized, manageable chunks. My current thought process is to do the series over this next year and work my way up, so to speak. Starting with the root chakra, I’m aiming to release one every other month over the next year starting in October.
This is a project I’m SUPER excited about. I have some Reiki master friends and some gemstone friends that I’m collaborating with on this. Be on the lookout for them!
Going Organic
I’ve already done the analysis for this. To use the organic circle on your labeling you have to have 95% organic ingredients. Most of the products are there. There are a couple I have to source a little differently to get there. Others will take a little more research. Look for that organic labeling over the next year!
Things Coming in Newsletters:
At its core, this company is about plants and how they support us physically, mentally, and emotionally. I started as an aromatherapist. Each month I am going to highlight a new plant in every newsletter. We’re all busy people, so I’m going to put a cheat sheet card in each letter along with a link to a more in depth article. The goal is that if you save the cheat sheets, over time you will have your own materia medica, and some recipes on how to use them.
Another thing I will include each month are tips on living seasonally. I’ll be featuring recipes that use the plants currently in season and ways to support your body during each season.
It’s been one hell of a year. I’m looking forward to the next one being just as fun!